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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Why I Believe in Marriage:

.Having now established the right to vote on the definition of marriage, I'd like to propose a forum to discuss what marriage should look like and why. More than half of Americans are in favor of maintaining the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman, and yet, possibly because I live in Chapel Hill, the only voices I hear are those who oppose it. I'm convinced that those on the side of marriage are mostly scared to talk about it, because they don't know how. When the gay marriage movement has found ways to spin their issue using words like "rights" "equality" "love" and "freedom", we are left without a vocabulary of defense. We weren't trained for this! Instead of accepting a lost cause, I propose an opportunity to use one's voice and make a defense on behalf of the founding instutition of our country. Many will disagree with some of the reasons I have listed here - some of them may even be wrong, due to the natural course of changing scholarship - but surely you can all agree with at least one, and any reason to save marriage and families is worth fighting for. I have references and further discussion on a few points, and I can provide them on request.

Why I Believe in Saving Marriage

1. God says it's important for us, and part of his plan for mankind. (Gen 2:24)
2. In order to maintain family stability, there needs a social norm regulating where and when and with whom it is appropriate to have sex.
3. Changing the definition of marriage will increase the belief that the purpose of marriage is primarily about sex, as opposed to children, which will, among other things, further increase the birthrate outside of marriage.
4. Marriage provides the best possible environment for a child to be created and raised, and results in better outcomes for children in virtually every way.
5. Marriage highlights the important gender identities of both men and women in their roles as husband and wife, mother and father
6. Marriage, as a social contract with obligations, encourages responsibility, maturity, and morality.
7. Marriage usually leads to parenthood, which encourages the development of even more responsibility, maturity, and morality.
8. Strong families, tied together by marriage, are directly linked to strong communities and strong nations.
9. Marriage is the most financially efficient way of providing for children.
10. Marriage results in more long-term happiness for both parties than being single.
11. Marriage provides an incredible opportunity to rub away one another's rough spots, like two stones in a tumbler, eventually, paradoxically, becoming smooth and polished. It helps us grow and become better in a way no other institution can.
12. Marriage helps us understand how our Heavenly Father loves and understands us, his family
13. Marriage provides emotional, mental, physical, and financial stability for individuals.
14. Marriage reduces the need for individuals to rely on welfare or the support of the state

Please add your own.

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